The Hardy Boys (A subsidiary of WPP Group) are an integrated, award-winning, and full-service agency that approached us in order to help them solve a business challenge they were facing.  

As a business that requires their staff to travel around the country frequently in order to create bespoke content for brands, they needed a connectivity solution that helped keep their staff online and readily available from anywhere in the country, as well as one that gave them full control and real-time transparency over the data spend being used by their mobile staff members. 

Our Solution: Mobile Data Management 

We provided them with our Mobile Data Management solution that is supported by a management portal that was developed and is supported in-house.  

The features available on our Mobile Data Management portal help the Hardy Boys keep their staff connected while on the road, and make managing their data needs easy, transparent, and affordable – allowing them to put a stop to over-usage and unnecessary overspending.  



Features Of Our Mobile Data Management Solution That Benefitted Their Business


Far-Reaching Coverage & Easy-To-Implement Connectivity 

RSAWEB’s Mobile Data is the easiest and the most ubiquitous way to get your staff online and connected from anywhere in the country as the Customer is able to choose between MTN and Vodacom networks – which was one of the main reasons we recommended it to The Hardy Boys. They were supplied with SIM cards for their mobile workforce – granting them instant and easy connectivity. With wide-spread network coverage powered by MTN and Vodacom, they are able to keep the entire workforce connected while on the move and working remotely.


User Profiles Can Be Created & Individually Managed 

Our Mobile Management Platform enables The Hardy Boys’ team leaders to assign a user profile to each SIM that they purchase, as well as data to each profile. This assigned data can be pooled together before being handed out to the different mobile staff members, which cancels out the need to buy individual data packages per user – which can be costly. This works for the Hardy Boys as different members of their teams had different roles and responsibilities, and therefore different data needs – cancelling out the one-size-fits-all approach they used in the past.


Data Capping Helps Stop Excessive Data Spend 

By setting data limits to user profiles, The Hardy Boys are now able to ensure that their staff know exactly how much data they have to work with for each month, which stops them from visiting data-heavy social media sites and ensures they use only what they need. Data limits can be set, and notifications are sent in order to alert the administrator when users are nearing their cap limits.


Transparency Helps Provide Actionable Insights 

The insights provided by our Mobile Data Management portal provides The Hardy Boys with a detailed look into data consumption by SIM card, account, profile and is easily converted to Excel/CSV which allows them to onbill the necessary department which helps them plan and make projections for growth, as well as scale back and redistribute data where they see fit.


Streamlined Billing Helps Save Time 

Traditionally, Mobile Data solution billing procedures are a tedious and overcomplicated practice to have to manage. From other vendors, each SIM receives its own detailed bill, and when you’re dealing with a larger number of these SIMS, this entire process can take hours and hours to get to the bottom of. But not with RSAWEB; The Hardy Boys are spared this timeous hassle and receive one invoice bill for all the SIM cards and data on their business’s network. 

‘’The functionality of the portal is fantastic and enables us to make changes that are required at the click of a button’’ said Anthony Lumley, IT Manager at The Hardy Boys. 


The End Result

The Hardy Boys are provided with peace of mind by being able to manage and control the consumption of data across all their teams. By being able to manage a recurring business cost to meet their exact needs, they’re able to save money and allocate it towards more pressing and business-critical expenses. 

Anthony Lumley, The IT Manager at The Hardy Boys summed it up nicely by saying ‘’The simplicity of use with the solution has taken away the hassle of mobile data management that we were having through conventional suppliers.’’. 

To find out more about how our Mobile Management Services can help your business grow, contact RSAWEB today.




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